Community Spotlight: Chris Mak, Civil Engineer

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Curious about what volunteerism and Time Auction events are all about? Meet our community who has shared their memorable experiences in their volunteering journey and meetings with our featured guests!

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Chris at Dinner with Peggy Fang Roe, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Asia Pacific at Marriott International in Sep 2019

Meet Chris Mak!

Chris is a civil engineer and his daily tasks include calculations, site monitoring and project management. He is a football enthusiast and a passionate volunteer. Facing the dilemma of schedule clashes between volunteering and football training sessions at weekends, he will always prioritize and value the significance and impact of volunteering.

Chris’ volunteer journey and what he gained

“We are all tired but we know we are creating value in society.”

As a family-oriented person, Chris participates in a wide variety of volunteer services which are related to family issues, from the Samaritans to visiting the elderly who live alone, to taking children from underprivileged families to Disneyland, and distributing food boxes in Pei Ho Siu Mei Restaurant, just to name the more recent ones. Chris shares with us one of his most remarkable volunteer experiences, which is to install bookshelves for children living in subdivided flats in tenement houses where no lift was available. Carrying the heavy tools and necessary equipment to make the bookshelves, he and the other volunteers reached the 6th floor up the stairs and by the time they got to the top, everyone was drenched in sweat, yet no one complained. They were physically exhausted, but a huge sense of satisfaction endured.

As Chris pursues his volunteering journey, he realizes that serving the needy does not just benefit the targeted groups, but also the volunteer himself. To him, volunteering is one of the ways for him to connect with his late grandma. When Chris works with the elderly, he feels a connection with his grandma which pleases him. Moreover, he is increasingly finding himself becoming a more sociable and talkative person, as he opens himself up. He thinks his stories and adventures in volunteering are always great subjects in conversations and can help him recruit more people to jump on board.

Learning from Time Auction events — Success requires hard work!

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“Action speaks louder than words.”

Chris learnt about Time Auction via social media, which incentivises him to actively volunteer so that he can bid for opportunities to meet with inspiring guests. Apart from learning through volunteer services, he is greatly inspired by the sharing of mentors. He recalled that his first Time Auction event was meeting with Bob Lam (林盛斌), Actor, DJ and Emcee. At the meeting, he learnt that Bob encountered countless setbacks before he became successful. Chris quoted from Bob, “I wish and I will.” “When you wish upon a star, actions must be taken to realize your aspiration. Many see the bright side and cheer for your success, but seldom will they look ‘behind the scenes’ to see all the hard work and tears that go into that success.” There is no overnight success but mere diligence and perseverance. With his patience and hard work, he thrived through all obstacles.

“It is a great idea to combine something you like and something that can benefit the community.”

As a former amateur swimmer who represented his district to compete, Chris signed up for an opportunity to meet Alex Fong, Singer, Actor & Swimmer. When he realized that Alex started a fund-raising campaign in which participants will swim 45 km around the island, he was immensely impressed by his kind gesture and how the idea encompassed his passion for swimming and doing good.

Chris is truly grateful for every opportunity to bring changes to society regardless of the scale of impact. He promises to strive for a better community via incessant volunteering. He will continue to serve and participate in future Time Auction events.

Thank you so much to Chris for contributing 95 volunteer hours and participating in 9 of Time Auction events!

To see our upcoming experiences, head over to the Time Auction website!

Interviewed & written by Gloria Ip| Edited by Giselle Lee

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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又到咗復活節呢個長假期!大家可能已經plan好去邊到,不過如果你去旅行怕機票貴,去户外活動又怕人多;咁留喺香港放假可以有咩其他節目,令假期過得充實之餘又可以充滿意義呢?以下為大家介紹香港一啲本地嘅義工活動,唔使出門口坐係梳化已經做到技能義工(Skilled-volunteers),適合動靜皆宜嘅你。你仲可以喺服務之中Upgrade自己嘅能力同經驗,一齊捉緊機會為社會出一分力啦! 復活節義工活動推介: 為社會同大自然出力 為有需要嘅青年提供就業諮詢 收集剩餘麵包 復活節義工活動(一):為社會及大自然出力 支援分類捐贈物品 因應最近香港嘅移民潮,傢具棄置問題變得嚴重。其實只要處理得宜,接收同義賣傢具所得嘅錢,可以幫到好多有需要嘅人。 有NGO會不定期都會招募傢具倉務員或捐贈物品支援助理,負責盤點、管理其他人捐贈嘅物品。經驗不限,最重要係你有想為社會出力嘅熱誠。有興趣嘅朋友,即Click入去睇睇佢哋嘅義工項目! 【立即申請】 復活節義工活動(二):想做Mentor?為有需要嘅青年提供就業諮詢 初初步入社會階段,唔少人都對於前境感到迷惘。假若我哋可以遇到一位指導員喺就業上提供建議,一定可以幫佢哋解決好多煩惱,喺分叉路上作出適合嘅選擇。 如果你都有興趣為有需要嘅青少年對象提供職涯諮詢服務,兼可以從中認識到不同背景同興趣嘅朋友,就記得唔好錯過啦! 【立即申請】 復活節義工活動(三):拒絕浪費食物 收集剩餘麵包 有無諗過麵包舖會點樣處理賣剩嘅飽點?會直接唔要,定係其實可以分配俾有需要嘅人? 原來全香港咁多麵包舖,每日收舖都有成千上萬個賣唔晒嘅麵包要送去堆填區!如果你都想出分力減低食物浪費,歡迎一齊拯救剩食,幫手去到本地唔同麵包店收集麵包,再分發畀社區中有需要嘅人士。呢個活動老少咸宜,大家仲可以叫埋家人朋友一齊參與,幫助解決香港食物廢棄問題,為無家者提供食物之外,你仲可以趁機遊歷香港,探索城市嘅更多面向! 【立即申請】 香港義工配對平台推介 想知更多義工服務選擇同詳情, 不妨瀏覽Time Auction技能義工服務配對平台(Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program)!Time Auction喺2014年成立,致力推動義工文化,至今已為本地超過640+ 非牟利機構(NGOs)招募同配對技能義工,而每個禮拜都近100個新義工服務等緊你去報名幫手! 係Time Auction平台上,你更可以從服務範疇、擅長技能、服務所需時數等一站式篩選、搜尋到最啱你、符合你專長嘅義工服務;兼且可以記錄服務時數,換取各種千載難逢嘅獎賞體驗! 立即探索更多!