On Life Mottos and Interview Tips — Lunch with Olivia Wong, Director of HR, Swire Properties

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Olivia donating lunch and raising 113 volunteer hours

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality and attitude behind their ventures and stories.

Since joining Swire Group in 1988, Olivia Wong’s adventure with the conglomerate has brought her to live in Singapore, Germany, Hong Kong and worked in Cathay Pacific, Ethos International and Swire Properties.

From working in such diverse cultures, roles and businesses, she shared with us how this has changed her perspectives on both life and work.

Do you have a life philosophy that you live by?

My life philosophy is to never regret anything and to always be grateful for the things that you have.

Once you made the decision, don’t go back and regret it as it is not healthy to a person and it does not lead to any better ways.

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What were you like when you were 25? What do you wish you would have known back then?

I wish I had spent much more time brushing up my Spanish because I wanted to be a manger in Madrid.

My advice for youngsters is to try more things.

Instead of partying all the time, it’s better to utilize the time to learn something new. This is not limited to academic stuff but it is for anything exotic. I wish I could master languages because this would have been so helpful in my life.

As a manager who interviews a lot of people, how can the candidates impress you?

Show up on time! The answer is that simple. I appreciate every applicant that I meet since they must have done more than academically well plus have several impressive experiences so that they managed to go through all the rounds and eventually end up with an interviewing opportunity.

One last tip from me is when you are geared up and ready to hit an interview —

Just be completely honest and open up to the interviewers.

Having went through all the hurdles, we expect to see your genuine and true self after all.

Don’t try to make things up since all the interviewers on panel have more than hundreds of years of experience in screening candidates. We know crystal clear about how you present yourself during an interview. Therefore, just be as natural as you can!


What is one action that you hope everyone can take away from meeting you today?

Be grateful and courageous!

That’s the attitude. Also, don’t forget to go explore the world and never be afraid of failure.

You only live once! Just be confident in doing whatever you like. It is okay to take risks for your dream. If you have a strong interest in doing marine science, just get a job which is relevant and available to execute your passion and ignore how people view yourself. Even though there will be discouragement and dissenting voices from parents, friends or others, you have to uphold it if it is what you are looking for.

I encountered one experience from my young graduate trainee once. Her initial thought was to get a stable job and do choreography in her leisure time. However, she was not satisfied and she resigned from a prosperous job to strive for a path to be a dancer. I completely understood her decision and appreciated her guts so much.

It does take courage to pluck up the braveness to change your track.

But when it comes to your dream, you should sacrifice and do everything to fight for it. Eventually, I wished her every success on her way to become a professional dancer.

Thank you Olivia again for your time and sharing which has raised 113 volunteer hours to Hands On Hong Kong, Social Career, Ednvation, Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Po Leung Kuk and more.

For more inspiring people to meet, visit Time Auction which connects you with Hong Kong’s visionaries while encouraging volunteerism.

The volunteers would like to say..

Yuki Wong, City University Student

Hi, Olivia. I am Yuki Wong. It is my honour to meet you yesterday. I loved your sharing and I learnt a lot from you. Within the conversation, I could feel your energetic and optimistic. I will bear in mind that always learn something new, be motivative and reinvent ourselves. Also, never regret our decision and be grateful what we have. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to you once again!

Stephanie Hung, City University Student

Dear Olivia, From the meeting we had today, I could see how you constantly rise to challenges and learn from them. This is definitely essential for us young people to learn how to deal with failure and improve ourselves! About your volunteering story, I totally share the sense of fulfilment we can gain after serving others. Please continue to volunteer and don’t stop believing that you can make an impact on other people’s life, like you just did! Thank you for the wonderful sharing, I learnt a lot! Cheers, Stephanie

Tracy Chan, City University Student

Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude are going to determine how I live my life. I will keep my faith, gratitude and hope alive to figure out what I really want to pursue in my journey. And dare to be the best we can! Quite impressed by what you said today and thank you! — Tracy

Anne Wong, former Private Banker

Thanks Olivia for all your inspiring sharing. Your life quotes “to always be happy and grateful for everything that we have” well reminds me to treasure and enjoy life meaningfully, and “be courageous to explore new things as one only lives once”.


I see a lot of commonalities with Olivia after hearing from her story. I am thrilled to see her volunteer involvement and the thriving lasting career with Swire. She is absolutely a great mentor who is authentic and inspirational. I respect and appreciate it a lot!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium: https://timeauction.medium.com/be-true-to-yourself-take-chances-lunch-with-olivia-wong-director-of-hr-swire-properties-44fc5a753d30

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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【香港義工配對平台】一分鐘內了解Time Auction 係咩嚟
咁多個香港義工配對平台之中,你有冇聽過Time Auction 呢?以下係關於Time Auction 嘅常見問題,俾你可以一分鐘內了解Time Auction 係咩嚟: (一)Time Auction係咩嚟? Time Auction 係一個香港義工配對平台,中文譯名係「時間拍賣」,顧名思義,義工喺平台上面參加義工活動後,可以用自己嘅義工時數(Volunteer hour)兌換獎勵。 (二)Time Auction同一般義工配對平台有咩分別? Time Auction 平台上面嘅義工服務以技能義工(Skilled-volunteers)服務為主。技能義工會運用個人技能同專長,為非牟利組織(NGO)提供專業嘅義工服務。呢類義工服務好多都可以遠程(Remote working)完成,義工可以靈活安排自己嘅工作時間同工作地點,換取義工時數。 (三)賺義工時數有啲咩好處? 喺Time Auction上面,累積一定義工時數後可以兌換不同種類嘅獎賞。義工可以選擇同社會各界嘅專業人士會面或飯聚,交流工作經驗同人生價值,從佢地身上學習成功嘅秘訣;Time Auction亦會定期更新唔同嘅文化或健康相關嘅體驗活動,義工可以參加自己感興趣嘅活動,增值自己。 以往Time Auction曾邀請前財政司司長曾俊華、歌手鄭秀文等社會名人出席義工聚餐;亦曾經舉辦過抽獎,俾義工用義工時數抽韓國人氣女團Blackpink嘅演唱會飛,獎賞種類非常多元。 【探索獎賞】 (四)點解會成立Time Auction? Time Auction 喺2014年成立,2017年註冊成為慈善機構。創辦人發現香港人做義工嘅比例低於其他國際城市,於是萌生用義工時數換獎賞嘅諗法,希望鼓勵更多香港市民用空餘時間做義工,令NGO得到自己需要嘅技能支援嘅同時,義工又可以兌換自己想要嘅活動獎勵,達致雙嬴局面。 (五)Time Auction上面有咩義工活動? Time Auction 上面70%嘅義工專案係線上或遙距可以完成。義工種類涵蓋辦公室技能支援(如平面設計、文案寫作)、現場活動技能支援(如活動攝影、活動協調員)、專業建議和諮詢(如商業諮詢、法律意見諮詢)等。 (六)點樣搵義工服務? 喺Time Auction平台上,義工可以選擇服務範疇、擅長技能、服務所需時數等篩選條件,搜尋到最符合專長嘅義工服務。 如果唔想自己搜尋咁麻煩,Time Auction 定期有電郵(Email)通知義工最新嘅義工招募項目,義工可以根據分類一次過瀏覽同自己專業技能(Professions)相關嘅項目。義工亦可以瀏覽Time Auction 嘅Instagram同LinkedIn帳戶了解每星期精選嘅義工招募項目。 【探索義工機會】 (七)點樣註冊成為Time Auction 義工? Time Auction嘅義工註冊步驟非常簡單,新用戶只要喺Time Auction 網頁用Facebook、LinkedIn或電郵地址就可以註冊,註冊後即時可以喺每星期100+項義工服務中搵最啱你心水嘅服務去申請! 【立即申請】